One of my favorite holiday books is about Christmas, yet not about Christmas. Let me explain. The book is called Hogfather and it's by humorous fantasy writer Terry Pratchett. Pratchett has created a series of books set on Discworld, and things there always seem quite familiar. On Discworld they celebrate Hogswatch, a festive time when the Hogfather flies in a sleigh pulled by four large hogs named Gouger, Tusker, Rooter, and Snouter and delivers presents to the people. When the Hogfather goes missing, who could possibly take over climbing down chimney duty but the ever helpful Death? Death puts on the red suit and does his best "HO HO HO", while his granddaughter Susan works to solve the mystery of what happened to the big guy. Along the way you will meet Violet the undertrained Tooth Fairy; Bilious, the God of Hangovers; and of course Death's favorite cohort, the Death of Rats, who says only SQUEAK. It sounds weird (and it is), but I find Hogfather, and the rest of the Discworld series, very, very funny!
KCPL also carries a highly entertaining DVD of Hogfather.
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