It's quite the threat. "You'll never ____ in this town again!" Never? Really? Sounds rather over the top to me, awfully dramatic. Yet drama is so often a fundamental part of the celebrities we love, or those we love to hate.
Highly entertaining and decidedly dishy, You'll Never Nanny in This Town Again: The True Adventures of a Hollywood Nanny chronicles Suzanne Hansen's time spent working for several famous families. Young and fresh out of the Northwest Nannies Institute, Suzanne lands a job caring for the children of super-agent Michael Ovitz. Without an official contract (oops!) she finds herself on call 24/7 and subject to the whims of the rich and famous. Who wouldn't want take a vacation to Hawaii, and be told to care for 5 additional children during the trip? Be sure to steer clear of the art, or you might set off the Picasso alarm! And if you think you want to be part of the glamorous Hollywood crowd, do not get the acid facial peel, or you will literally feel the burn.
For those who loved The Nanny Diaries, and for the tabloid lover in us all.
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